

Our mission is to provide you with the best possible health care, and financial concerns will never interfere with that mission. Our Patient 金融援助 Office is happy to guide you toward a payment plan that fits your needs.



如果你在写支票, make it payable to 纽约医院 and send it to: 纽约医院 计费 Office P.O. 70725号信箱,费城,19716-0725.

Please note all of our patients whose insurance requires a co-pay are now asked to make their payment at the time of service. 另外, 所有CT, 核磁共振成像, 以及没有二级保险的手术患者, 还有冰球突破的自费病人, are asked to pay a deposit upon arrival that will be credited toward their final balance. 在这些情况下, t在这里 may also be an additional out-of-pocket amount due following the services, 哪些是以后单独计费的.


If you have any billing questions that aren’t answered on this page, contact our Patient 金融援助 office by calling (207) 351-2398 或者通过电子邮件 yhpatientbilling@concordetablet.com.

If you have insurance, the bill is sent to them for payment first. After they pay their portion of the bill (which can take 60-90 days – sometimes 120), 然后你会收到一张账单,支付你所欠的部分. 如果你没有保险, you will receive your bill generally 10-15 days after service is rendered.


We’re happy to provide you with an itemization of your bill. 请随时打电话给冰球突破 (207) 361-3669 或在 (877) 727-9691.

是的, we accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. 如果您想用信用卡付款,请打电话 (877) 727-9691.

是的,冰球突破很高兴和你谈谈付款计划. 请随时打电话给冰球突破 (207) 361-3669 或在 (877) 727-9691.

If you are on a payment plan and you receive another bill for another date of service, 你需要冰球突破,电话是 (207) 361-3669 或在 (877) 727-9691 把账单加到你的付款计划里.

Make checks payable to 纽约医院 and send to: 纽约医院 计费 Office P.O. 70725号信箱,费城,19716-0725.

是的, 冰球突破接受通过您的银行进行网上支付, 冰球突破也有一个安全的在线支付选项 在这里.

冰球突破很乐意为您服务. 请打电话给 (207) 361-3669 或在 (877) 727-9691,星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. – 4:30 p.m.

请致电冰球突破的财政援助办公室 (207) 351-2398.

Staff are available to talk to you about financial assistance programs at 纽约医院. 请致电冰球突破的财政援助办公室 (207) 351-2398,星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. – 4:30 p.m.

您也可以下载该应用程序 在这里. 只需打印出应用程序, 请填写, and send it back to us (via the contact information on the cover). We’ll call you if we have any questions and to let you know if you qualify.

All of our patients whose insurance requires a co-pay are now asked to make their payment at the time of service. 另外, 所有CT, 核磁共振成像, 以及没有二级保险的手术患者, 还有冰球突破的自费病人, are asked to pay a deposit upon arrival that will be credited toward their final balance. 在这些情况下, t在这里 may also be an additional out-of-pocket amount due following the services, 哪些是以后单独计费的.

纽约医院’s physician offices have transitioned to become departments or provider-based clinics of the hospital. 在医疗保险, 如果医生办公室符合特定的规定, the hospital can classify the physician practice as a provider-based clinic. 正因为如此, 你将收到两份医疗保险摘要通知, 一个来自医疗保险A部分一个来自医疗保险B部分. On your statement, you will see both a provider charge and a clinic charge. The clinic charge or Medicare Part A services will cover expenses such as nursing and 支持 staff, as well as any medical or technical supplies or equipment and the use of the room. 服务, 治疗, or procedures provided by your doctor or practitioner will be classified as provider charges under Medicare Part B.

When making medical payment decisions, make sure you know:

  • 总成本
  • 你的保险范围是什么
  • 你得自掏腰包
  • 医院接受什么付款方式
  • If you or your hospital physician’s office staff will be completing insurance forms

A deductible is the initial amount of “covered” health costs that you pay before your insurance plan begins reimbursement. A deductible is usually a set dollar amount such as $250 or $500. A co-payment is the portion of your health care expenses not covered by insurance. A co-payment is usually a percentage figure, like 10% or 20%.

For example, on a $500 bill, your deductible might be $150, so you would have to pay the first $150. 还剩下350美元的余额. Of that $350, your co-payment might be 20%, meaning that you will have to pay an additional $70. 你的保险公司将支付剩余的280美元.

Once you have this information, t在这里 are various ways for paying your bill. 如果你的保险支付所有,但扣除或共同支付, you will be required to pay an estimate of your portion of the bill at the time of service. 在某些情况下, you will be able to make monthly payments to the hospital until your bill is paid in full. You should discuss this with our Patient Accounts Department. Make sure you understand what the hospital requires and what payment options you have.

The hospital will bill your insurance company directly (unless you specify otherwise). You are ultimately responsible for making certain that your bill is paid. If a balance remains after your insurance has issued a payment or a denial, 收到你的账单后立即付款.

除了你医院的账单, you may receive bills from other physicians who may have provided services to you. For instance, you may receive bills from consulting physicians, radiologists, or other specialists. Please contact their office directly if you have questions concerning their bills.

纽约医院 contracts with Balanced Healthcare Receivables (BHR) as a professional third-party debt collection agency. You may receive calls from them on our behalf and as our agent if your bill is delinquent and unpaid. As a hospital vendor, BHR follows all privacy laws to protect your medical information. 他们的免费电话号码是 (866) 460-2471.